The Consequences of Not Renewing Emirates ID Card in UAE in 2025
Emirates ID Card is proof of your identity while residing in UAE. Normally Emirates ID cards come with a validity of 5 to 10 years. Itโs important to keep your Emirates ID Validity in check in order to smoothly use services that require your Emirates ID. If you fail to renew your Emirates ID, you can face serious consequences. Letโs have a look at the consequences of not renewing Emirates ID Card within the time limit.
Ready? Let’s get started.

How Much Is The Fine For Not Renewing Your Emirates ID?
Once your Emirates ID expires, you get a 30-day grace period in order to renew your Emirates ID Card. If you still fail to renew your ID card within that time, a fine of 20 AED (Dirham) per day will start to be imposed on you, and it can reach up to 1,000 AED. You can check your fine at Emirates ID Fine Check.
Your first try must be to renew your Emirates ID within the time as there are so many Consequences of Not Renewing Emirates ID Card, however, there are some exemptions for which your fine can be lifted. But there are some conditions for eligibility.
Now, you can check your UAE travel ban at How To Check UAE Travel Ban Guide.
Eligibility For Exemption
UAE Citizens, GCC Nationals, and Expats can apply for an exemption for not renewing their emirates id card if they meet the following criteria.
Find out everything about labour card at UAE Labor Card Guide.
How To Apply For Exemption?
If youโre eligible for the exemption, then you can apply for the appeal in two different ways.

Youโll be updated within 48 hours on whether your appeal has been accepted or rejected.
Lost your Emirates ID? Here's how you can apply for the replacement of Lost Emirates ID Card.
Importance of Renewing Your Emirates ID
Itโs crucial to renew your emirates id on time in order to avoid any legal issues and irritating fines. Aside from penalties, you can also get into complications while accessing utilities, government services, and banking transactions.
To ensure your legal status in UAE, having a valid Emirates ID is crucial. So, make sure to renew your ID card within the time in order to avoid any complications and to keep on enjoying other benefits associated with your Emirates ID.
Consequences of Not Renewing Emirates ID Card
Aside from the financial burden of not renewing your Emirates ID Card, there are some other Consequences of Not Renewing Emirates ID Card as well like you can also get into trouble for many other services, including government facilities, health care, and banking. In order to keep yourself safe from such issues, itโs advised to renew your ID card within the time. In order to renew your emirates id click on the below button.
Tips For Timely Renewal
Some tips have been shared so you can timely renew your necessary documents.

Keep Track of Expiration Dates
You can note the expiration dates of your legal documents either in your diary or on your cell phone, where you regularly visit your documents. This way, youโll be able to remember the expiry date of your Emirates ID and other important documents, and itโll help you to renew your documents within the time limit.
Set Reminders
You can set reminders for your important dates that will help you remind your important tasks like renewing your Emirates ID, Passport, and other documents. Some of the ways you can use are:
Make sure to renew your id card within time as consequences of not renewing emirates ID Card are serious and can cause so many unwanted complications for you.
There are serious consequences of not renewing Emirates ID Card within the time limit and you must hurry in renewing your id card in order to avoid any additional fines and to keep using the services that come with Emirates ID.